Want to Get Paid More? Master the Art of Salary Negotiation

Some millennials have yet to master the art of salary negotiations, we are here to help.

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A recent survey by Deloitte found that 48 percent of millennials planned to leave their jobs within the next two years while only 28 percent expect to stay in their current role beyond five years.

Of course, this should come as no surprise as it has been well-documented that millennials enjoy challenging themselves by taking on new roles or changing their career paths.

Negotiating your salary can be a pivotal point in your career trajectory. It presents an opportunity not just to secure a better compensation package, but also to establish your value within a company. However, many find this process daunting due to a lack of confidence or knowledge on how to effectively negotiate. But we can help.

Understanding the Basics of Salary Negotiation

Before entering into salary negotiations, it is crucial for you to understand not only what you are worth, but also the broader market trends. This knowledge will empower you to negotiate a compensation package that reflects your value or get a raise at work.

Recognizing Your Value and Experience

Your experience and education play a significant role in determining your salary. Compile a list of your professional achievements and correlate them to how they've added value to past employers. Customize this list:

  • Significant projects completed
  • Revenue increased/expense reduced
  • Leadership roles assumed
  • Professional certifications or degrees obtained

Remember to correlate each of these points with how they can add value to the potential employer.

Research and Data: Knowing the Market

To negotiate effectively, arm yourself with data. Conduct thorough research to establish a salary range for your role within your industry. Sources for this information include:

  • Industry salary surveys
  • Websites like Glassdoor or Payscale
  • Professional associations

Once you have this data, you can position yourself within the market value for someone with your qualifications.

The Elements of an Offer: Beyond Base Salary

A comprehensive compensation package includes more than just a base salary. Consider other elements such as:

Health InsuranceEvaluate the coverage costs and what's included.
Retirement PlansConsider matching contributions and vesting schedules.
Stock OptionsEvaluate if they're offered and at what potential future value.
ReimbursementFor professional development or continuing education.

Negotiating for these can often lead to a more attractive overall package even if the base salary is fixed.

Strategies for Successful Salary Negotiations

Mastering salary negotiations requires combining well-honed communication skills with an understanding of negotiation dynamics and the ability to handle different outcomes professionally.

Effective Communication: Pitching and Rehearsing

To present your case compellingly, focus on pitching your worth clearly. Detail your contributions and achievements in a concise manner, articulating how they align with the company’s goals. Rehearse your pitch to handle tough questions confidently, ensuring to include tangible examples that showcase your value. Remember to listen actively to the hiring manager, responding thoughtfully to their points.

Negotiation Dynamics: Leverage and Timing

Recognize and utilize leverage, such as additional job offers or unique skills that are in high demand. Timing is crucial; approach the topic when the employer shows interest in you as a candidate. Schedule the discussion at a time when you are unlikely to be interrupted and can have the hiring manager’s full attention. Always be ready to stay positive and assertive—even if negotiations become challenging.

Dealing with Counteroffers and Rejections

Prepare to receive counteroffers by identifying in advance the minimum terms you are willing to accept. Stay clear-headed in evaluating counteroffers against your set goals and the broader landscape of your job search. When faced with rejection, stay poised to maintain professional relationships. It's pivotal to know when to walk away; don't hesitate to do so if the offer doesn't meet your worth. Remember, each negotiation is a learning experience that can strengthen your skills for future discussions.

About the author

Brian Meiggs
Hi, I'm Brian Meiggs! A personal finance expert, entrepreneur, and the founder of My Millennial Guide. My drive is to help others unlock the wealth of freedom and pave the path to financial success. With my bachelor's degree in finance, I help millennials follow the smart money in order to increase their earning potential and start building wealth for the future. I write regularly about side hustles, investing, and general personal finance topics aimed to help anyone earn more, pay off debt, and reach financial freedom. I have been quoted in major publications including Business Insider, Yahoo Finance, NASDAQ, Discover, GoDaddy, BiggerPockets, Fox News, Debt.com, Quick Sprout, Money Geek, MSN Money and many more!


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