How to Find a List of Inheritance Leads?

Inheritance leads are a great way of making sales in the real estate market. Here's how to get a list of inheritance leads to do with what you please!

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Inheritance leads are a great way of making sales in the real estate market. When a property owner dies, they are inherited by the heir to the property. The heir to the property has the right to do with it as they please. Research indicates that a large portion of those that inherit a house sell it.

One of the reasons why they do this is usually because over 67% of the inherited houses have the mortgage already paid in full. This means therefore that the heir enjoys every coin of the sale without any part of it going to clear any mortgages. With a big chunk of cash available inheritors can easily be able to leave the dream either through a vacation or by buying a bigger home.

There is, therefore, a lot of business for real estate agents when inheritance happens. This is because the inheritors are looking to sell the property quickly and achieve the dreams they always had in their minds. Getting inheritance leads is, therefore, a huge business for real estate agents.

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They can buy the houses from the inheritors at prices lower than the market prices and sell them for better prices later on. To get such good leads, however, requires some work to be done on the side of the real estate agents. Inheritance leads are sometimes harder to convert than probate leads. This is due to the lessened urgency to sell than in probate leads. There are several ways of making $5,000 fast or more by getting your hands on this list, however for most people now the common way of getting inheritance leads is online. Inheritance leads can be found through websites that will charge a fee to give the leads.

As the number of leads increases the fee also rises. Inheritance leads may also be found from the courts and by building a relationship with probate attorneys.

“By far probate attorneys will provide the most reliable list of inheritance leads in the neighborhood because they know which cases have been closed and who are the inheritors.”

Getting leads from attorneys is easy can be done affordably by having a mutual business relationship with the office of the attorney.

For instance, the attorney can give inheritance leads while the person receiving the leads can provide referral services to the attorney through their website.

All the methods of acquiring inheritance lead come with their advantages and disadvantages. For instance, getting the inheritance leads from the courthouse or online from the court directories is very affordable. However, going to the court personally is very time-consuming and may take an important investor’s time.

Acquiring leads online is expensive, and the quality of the leads being given cannot be verified. It is possible to get 300 online leads and have none converting because of the quality of the leads. It is therefore imperative that the best company is chosen to provide the required online inheritance leads.

About the author

Brian Meiggs
Hi, I'm Brian Meiggs! A personal finance expert, entrepreneur, and the founder of My Millennial Guide. My drive is to help others unlock the wealth of freedom and pave the path to financial success. With my bachelor's degree in finance, I help millennials follow the smart money in order to increase their earning potential and start building wealth for the future. I write regularly about side hustles, investing, and general personal finance topics aimed to help anyone earn more, pay off debt, and reach financial freedom. I have been quoted in major publications including Business Insider, Yahoo Finance, NASDAQ, Discover, GoDaddy, BiggerPockets, Fox News,, Quick Sprout, Money Geek, MSN Money and many more!


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