FarmTogether Review 2024: Invest As Little As $15,000

Help diversify your portfolio and increase your passive income by investing in farmland with FarmTogether’s all-in-one investment platform.

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Bottom Line:

FarmTogether is a leading platform that allows investors to diversify their portfolios by investing in farmland, a stable and historically profitable asset class. With FarmTogether, you can invest in fully vetted, high-quality U.S. farmland without the need to purchase or manage land directly. The platform provides a user-friendly experience, offering detailed insights into each investment opportunity and the expected returns. FarmTogether offers competitive returns with a long-term focus, making it an appealing option for those seeking passive income and portfolio diversification. Whether you're a seasoned investor or new to alternative investments, FarmTogether simplifies farmland investing with low minimums and comprehensive support. Sign up today to start growing your wealth through farmland.

Investing in farmland can be a way to diversify your investment portfolio and potentially benefit from long-term appreciation in land values.


Farmland has historically appreciated over the long-term due to factors such as population growth, urbanization, and rising food demand.

But how can you invest in farmland?

One way to help grow your wealth, increase your passive income and contribute to a more sustainable planet with FarmTogether.

Find out whether investing in high-quality US farmland might be the right fit for you in this FarmTogether review.

When speaking to the FarmTogether founder, he says:

“Farmland can be an excellent addition to any investment portfolio. Historically, farmland has been is inflation-resistant and contra-cyclical to many conventional equity investments.”

Artem Milinchuk, Founder of FarmTogether

But what's our take? Let's dive right in.

What is FarmTogether

farmtogether review

While many investors are familiar with the benefits of adding alternative investments like commercial or residential real estate to their portfolios, few are equally familiar with farmland. 

Farmland is a real estate investment that has historically offered high, inflation-linked returns, low volatility, a lack of correlation with most asset classes, and an opportunity to drive sustainable solutions for the planet. 

It’s no surprise, then, that farmland has attracted large institutions and the ultra-rich, like Bill Gates, for decades. For the individual investor, it’s a different story.

Farmland has been out of reach for most due to a combination of factors including lack of transparent markets, the high degree of specialized knowledge required, and high investment minimums. 

FarmTogether is seeking to change that. FarmTogether aims to make investing in institutional-quality US farmland more accessible by enabling accredited investors to purchase U.S. farmland through a variety of channels, including crowdfunded farmland offerings, 1031 exchange, sole ownership bespoke offerings, and their Sustainable Farmland Fund.

The company was founded in 2017 and has already completed 41 deals across 7 states and 14 crop types. This translates to over $160 million in assets under management.


FarmTogether's crowdfunding platform is one of the few ways accredited investors can get exposure to farmland as an asset class. With decent returns and low fees, it is a compelling choice for those looking to diversify their portfolios. The minimum investment amount is $15,000.

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Their team of veteran agriculture and real estate investment professionals leverages more than 100 years of experience to bring top-notch farmland opportunities, across deal structures, commodities, and geographies, to their investors.

They handle it all, from sourcing and risk management to operations and distributions, to remove the barriers to entry that would otherwise turn investors away if they tried to do it all themselves. 

Using FarmTogether’s all-in-one investment platform, investors can enjoy top-tier institutional-quality farmland offerings and a hassle-free fully digital investment experience.  FarmTogether also offers investors substantial educational resources through its learning center

Last, and certainly not least, FarmTogether’s portfolio is certified by the Leading Harvest sustainable farmland management standard. Investors can trust that FarmTogether and its operators are using sustainable methods, such as cover cropping, implementing micro-drip irrigation technology, when applicable. These methods not only help increase farmers’ bottom lines, meaning potentially better returns for investors, they can also help offset the impacts of climate change in the long run. The company is also committed to transitioning certain properties to organic operations, when possible.

Thanks to FarmTogether, accredited investors now have access to a range of institutional-quality farmland investment opportunities.

How to Open an Account

Anyone can open a free account with FarmTogether to explore the platform. After answering some basic questions, including whether or not you qualify as an accredited investor, you will be able to view the company’s investment products, including any live crowdfunding deals.


FarmTogether's crowdfunding platform is one of the few ways accredited investors can get exposure to farmland as an asset class. With decent returns and low fees, it is a compelling choice for those looking to diversify their portfolios. The minimum investment amount is $15,000.

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How To Invest

FarmTogether offers accredited investors the opportunity to invest in institutional-quality US farmland. In general, an accredited investor is someone who meets one of the following criteria:

  • Earns an annual salary of $200,000 or more (or $300,000 jointly with a spouse)
  • Has at least $1,000,000 in net worth, excluding the value of their primary residence
  • Holds a current Series 7, Series 65 or Series 82 license

A full list of criteria for accredited investors can be found here

FarmTogether offers investors several ways of accessing farmland. Investors have the option of participating in a crowdfunded farmland offering for as little as $15,000.

Within the FarmTogether platform, investors are able to browse carefully vetted farmland investments, review due diligence materials, and sign legal documents, seamlessly online. FarmTogether also sources farmland for individual investors who would prefer to have sole ownership of a farm. The minimum investment for a sole sourced offering is $3,000,000. 

Each crowdfund and bespoke farmland investment is structured as a standalone LLC, which allows tax benefits to be passed directly to investors. 

In 2022, FarmTogether launched their Sustainable Farmland Fund, which provides investors with access to a diversified portfolio of institutional-grade farmland through a single allocation, beginning at $100,000.

Unlike their crowdfunded and bespoke products, which enable a pick-and-choose approach when selecting properties, locations, and crop types to invest in, the Fund is geared towards investors who prefer diversified exposure to farmland via a more hands-off approach. 

In this review, we will focus on FarmTogether’s flagship crowdfund product.


FarmTogether's crowdfunding platform is one of the few ways accredited investors can get exposure to farmland as an asset class. With decent returns and low fees, it is a compelling choice for those looking to diversify their portfolios. The minimum investment amount is $15,000.

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What is the Typical Hold Period for an Investment?

Farmland is designed to be a  longer-term investment, which is why you will see typical hold periods of 8-12 years for FarmTogether’s crowdfunded and bespoke deals.

At the end of the hold period, the property is often sold and investors can receive the appreciated value of the farm, assuming the land rose in value.

In general, permanent crops are held for longer than row crops because they take longer to mature.

What Returns Does FarmTogether Target?

FarmTogether typically targets net IRRs of 6-13% with target net cash yields ranging from 2-9%, both net of fees.

Permanent crops, such as apples or almonds, tend to yield higher returns, but they often come with more risk. Row crops, like corn and soybeans, tend to yield lower returns, but can offer an investor with stability and more cashflow upfront.

You can learn more about FarmTogether’s deal structures here

FarmTogether recommends that investors diversify across crop types for a well-balanced portfolio.

How experienced is FarmTogether’s Management Team?

FarmTogether’s Founder Artem Milinchuk has over a decade of experience in food, agriculture, and farmland investing, while CEO, Jared Hine, brings more than 20 years of experience in finance and asset management, having begun his career in the asset management divisions of JPMorgan Chase and Bank of America.

Together, FarmTogether’s team of investment professionals have more than 100 years of combined experience across agriculture, technology, investing, and real estate.

Executive members have experience investing on behalf of some of the largest and most innovative funds in the world, including Prudential and Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan, as well as experience in asset management at Hancock Agricultural Investment Group, one of the largest institutional managers of agricultural real estate in the U.S.

How Does FarmTogether Source and Conduct Due Diligence Opportunities?

FarmTogether’s investment team has developed a highly disciplined approach to investing.  

The team sources deals through a combination of strategic partnerships and their proprietary sourcing technology, which gives them the ability to access both on- and off-market investments. To date, the team has reviewed thousands of opportunities, of which only 1% ultimately made it onto the platform. 

  1. The FarmTogether team’s process starts by taking a global macro view. This includes an analysis of future impacts of climate change, water availability, regional trends, the current regulatory landscape, and long-term trends in agriculture yields. 
  2. Next, the team does a deep-dive into the end market for the target farm product. The team arrives at a long-term view on price and valuation for the given market through analyzing factors including supply and demand, consumer preferences, marketing, regulations, and new product development.   
  3. Next, the investment team uses over 150 data sets from public and private sources, combined with proprietary technology and significant investment experience, to hone in on the most attractive investment opportunities in the target regions and crops. The team is especially focused on opportunities with clear opportunities for value creation through sustainable improvements. For example, adding a secondary water source or transitioning a property to a specialty label such as certified organic. 
  4. Finally, once specific investment opportunities are identified, the FarmTogether team conducts exhaustive due diligence to ensure that only the best opportunities make it onto the platform. FarmTogether relies on a 120-point checklist so that every base is covered. In particular, the team is focused on soil quality, water availability, availability of best-in-class operators, market access for goods, and climates which are conducive to growing the expected crops.

What is the Fee Structure?

Opening an account with FarmTogether is free and open to all potential investors. FarmTogether's fees vary from deal to deal, but FarmTogether aims to have fees in-line or below the industry average. 

For permanent crop deals, investors pay a one-time admin fee at deal closing equal to 2% of the deal's project basis. FarmTogether is also paid an annual fixed management fee of 1-2%, calculated as a percentage of the project basis, and a 5% net operating income fee.  FarmTogether does not charge carried interest or other fees. 

For row crop deals, FarmTogether charges a one-time fee equal to 1% of the property's purchase price at closing + 20% of gross lease revenue annually for row crop transactions.

How Do Investors Earn a Return?

Farmland investing can provide investors with two streams of income, depending on the deal and management structure: income and appreciation.

After their initial investment, investors typically receive dividends quarterly or annual basis, depending on the structure of the deal. When the farm is sold after the target hold period, investors typically receive a proportional share of the net proceeds based on their investment. 

By incorporating sustainable farming methods, FarmTogether’s farms have the potential to become more efficient, which can lead to added appreciation of the underlying farm.


FarmTogether's crowdfunding platform is one of the few ways accredited investors can get exposure to farmland as an asset class. With decent returns and low fees, it is a compelling choice for those looking to diversify their portfolios. The minimum investment amount is $15,000.

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Is Investing with FarmTogether Safe?

Compared to the stock market or commodities such as gold, farmland is a historically low-volatility asset that has performed well in both recessionary and high-inflation environments. However, all investments carry some level of risk. 

The FarmTogether team mitigates investment risk through its enhanced due diligence process, which includes a 120-point diligence checklist. The team maintains strict criteria for which opportunities are made available through its platform, and only 1% of opportunities that are screened are ultimately shown to potential investors. 

The two most common risks for a farmland investment are overpaying for the farm and selecting the wrong operator partner. FarmTogether mitigates these risks by being conservative when underwriting deals, only partnering with experienced operators, and relying on an experienced team of farmland managers.

What are the Pros and Cons of Investing with FarmTogether?


  • FarmTogether offers investors multiple ways of investing in farmland opportunities, including crowdfunded offerings, bespoke properties, and their Sustainable Farmland Fund
  • FarmTogether’s investments target net IRRS of 6-13% and net cash yields of 2-9%, both net of fees. 
  • FarmTogether’s has a team of experienced management professionals with more than 100 years under their belts.
  • Within FarmTogether’s platform, investors can browse carefully vetted farmland investments, review due diligence materials, sign legal documents, and manage their invetsmnets, all seamlessly online. 
  • Through their partnership with Leading Harvest, FarmTogether gives investors the opportunity to make food systems and the planet more sustainable.


  • At this time, FarmTogether’s offerings are only available to accredited investors.
  • FarmTogether has a relatively short track record, given that the platform has only been offering investments since 2019.
  • The minimum investment of $15,000 for their crowdfunded product may be too high for some investors.

Is FarmTogether Right for You?

The FarmTogether platform is one of the few means for accredited investors to invest in farmland as a commodity. With historically stable returns and low fees, it can be appealing alternative for diversifying your portfolio to those who want to invest in farmland.

The bottom line: For accredited investors who are interested in diversifying their portfolios, an investment in farmland can be a great way of reducing portfolio volatility, while earning steady, inflation-proof passive income.


FarmTogether's crowdfunding platform is one of the few ways accredited investors can get exposure to farmland as an asset class. With decent returns and low fees, it is a compelling choice for those looking to diversify their portfolios. The minimum investment amount is $15,000.

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About the author

Brian Meiggs
Hi, I'm Brian Meiggs! A personal finance expert, entrepreneur, and the founder of My Millennial Guide. My passion is helping others unlock the wealth of freedom and pave the path to financial success. With a bachelor's degree in finance, I guide millennials on how to follow smart money moves to increase their earning potential and build wealth for the future. I regularly write about side hustles, investing, and personal finance, offering practical tips to help anyone earn more, pay off debt, and achieve financial freedom. I also have a knack for finding the best bank bonuses, having personally scored deals like a $300 bonus from Chase, $300 from KeyBank, $200 from Bank of America, and $350 from Capital One. My expertise has been featured in major publications such as Business Insider, Entrepreneur, The Wall Street Journal, Yahoo Finance, NASDAQ, Discover, GoDaddy, Fox News, MSN Money, and many more.

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FarmTogether is a leading platform that allows investors to diversify their portfolios by investing in farmland, a stable and historically profitable asset class. With FarmTogether, you can invest in fully vetted, high-quality U.S. farmland without the need to purchase or manage land directly. The platform provides a user-friendly experience, offering detailed insights into each investment opportunity and the expected returns. FarmTogether offers competitive returns with a long-term focus, making it an appealing option for those seeking passive income and portfolio diversification. Whether you're a seasoned investor or new to alternative investments, FarmTogether simplifies farmland investing with low minimums and comprehensive support. <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener">Sign up today</a> to start growing your wealth through farmland.FarmTogether Review 2024: Invest As Little As $15,000